Email archiving – your advantages at a glance!

Have you often asked yourself how you can cope with the growing demands on email archiving in your company?

With NetOrchestra® email archiving you get a reliable solution that archives your data securely and efficiently. Learn how to effortlessly archive emails while meeting GDPR requirements.

As a manufacturer, we offer you the best service and support for your email archiving. Arrange a free consultation with our experts now.

NetOrchestra® MA e-mail archiving – THE audit-proof corporate solution according to GoBD, DSGVO

We offer you professional email archiving with which you can archive and conveniently manage all emails in accordance with the law (GDPdU, GoBD, GDPR) independently of your mail server. Archiving e-mails outside of your mail server relieves the load and backup times are significantly reduced. The NetOrchestra® e-mail archive saves your employees a lot of time through an efficient search even in their daily work. And even if the mail server fails, all archived e-mails can still be accessed.

NetOrchestra MA for Exchange Server

Email archiving for Exchange, optimized for Exchange Server, impresses with its diverse range of functions and seamless connection to your mail server.

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NetOrchestra MA for Office 365

The NetOrchestra MA for Exchange can be connected to Office 365 / Exchange Online to ensure efficient archiving of emails from user mailboxes.

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NetOrchestra MA for Lotus Notes / IBM Domino

The NetOrchestra® MA Appliance offers ready-to-use e-mail archiving for IBM Lotus Domino, with which you can archive your e-mails in an audit-proof and legally compliant manner.

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NetOrchestra MA Hardware Appliance

The NetOrchestra MA appliances for email archiving offer tailor-made solutions for different email volumes and usage behavior.

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NetOrchestra MA virtual Appliance

The NetOrchestra® MA e-mail archiving for virtualization platforms
comes to you ready and can
thus start work in the shortest possible time.

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Performance characteristics at a glance

Let the many features of NetOrchestra® email
archiving convince you!

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Advantages of the NetOrchestra® MA email archiving at a glance

  • The convenient administration and simple search saves time and money
  • Duplicate check
  • Single instance storage
  • Existing mail servers are reduced by up to 80%
  • Backup times are shortened
  • Support for all commercially available mail servers
  • You can easily change your email system at any time
  • If the mail server fails, all archived emails will still be available
  • Platform-independent access via web browser
  • Clear management of emails, users and mailboxes
  • No client installations necessary
  • Comprehensive rights concept
  • Fully automated backup of data and configuration by mirroring to existing storage systems
  • Emails are automatically and permanently archived
  • Direct full-text search in web browsers, Outlook, Notes and other mail clients
  • Search all assigned mailboxes
  • Restoration of the original email to any email address
  • Transferring existing PST files to the archive
  • Fulfillment of legal requirements (GDPdU/GoBD)
  • IDEA-Export
  • 4-eyes principle
  • Encrypted data storage
  • Proof of originality through digital signature

Our MA-200 series

Our MA-1200 series

Our MA-2200 series

The NetOrchestra E-Mail Archive Appliances offer tailor-made solutions for different mail volumes and usage behavior

FAQ: Email archiving

Email archiving is the process of permanently storing emails in a secure environment. This is to be able to store important information for the future, to comply with legal requirements and to prevent data loss.

It is important for several reasons: it ensures that business-critical information remains available, it helps companies comply with legal regulations, and it can serve as evidence in legal disputes or audits.

Many countries have specific regulations regarding the retention of business communications, including email. In Germany, emails must be stored in accordance with the Commercial Code (HGB) and the Tax Code (AO) in order to meet the requirements for commercial letters.

Email retention periods vary depending on national legislation. In Germany, the legally required retention period for business emails is usually 6 to 10 years.

Email backup is primarily used to secure data to protect against data loss. Email archiving, on the other hand, aims to store emails in a legally secure manner and make them searchable. Archived emails cannot be modified or deleted as easily as backups.

The technical implementation usually involves extracting the emails from the active server, indexing the contents and storing them in an archiving system that enables quick search and access to the archived emails. Special software solutions are often used.

Once archived, emails should not be deleted within the legal retention periods in order to avoid legal consequences. After these deadlines have expired, they can be deleted unless there are other reasons against it.

Modern archiving systems often offer the option of automatically archiving emails based on rules. This typically includes inbound, outbound and internal emails, but can be customized depending on the needs of the business.

For legal requirements, such as IDEA export, companies must be able to provide relevant emails from the archive. The archive system should therefore be able to search and issue emails efficiently.

To ensure data security and data protection, measures such as encryption, access controls and regular security audits should be taken. It is also important to ensure that the archiving service provider is trustworthy and adheres to security standards.

Our com2 technical advisors will be happy to answer any further individual questions you may have about e-mail archiving.

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